

About Mary Zirin

Within the field of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Mary Fleming Zirin stands out as a beacon of strength and hope to students, faculty, librarians, and independent scholars. It is impossible to summarize Mary’s extraordinary contributions to the development of Slavic and East European Women’s Studies. As a bibliographer, Mary introduced significant number of scholarly sources on women and gender, which are now standards in the field. These include Dictionary of Russian Women Writers (1994), Women & Gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia: A Comprehensive Bibliography (2007), and Women East-West Current Bibliography through the Association for Women in Slavic Studies.  Her tireless advocacy on behalf of independent scholars, who are in constant need of access to collections and services, continues to this day.

To ensure continued support for independent scholars and Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Mary established an endowment to support the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois.  The Slavic Reference Service continues Mary’s work and this bibliography is a testament of our dedication to her principles on scholarship and access to information.

About This Project

Annabella Irvine and Sveta Stoytcheva of the Slavic Reference Service, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, compiled this website. Mary Zirin gave her bibliography to the Slavic Reference Service in 2009. The works in her bibliography are presented here as a searchable database for researchers. Mary is a longtime supporter of the Slavic Reference Service and patron of the service’s Summer Research Lab. This website is intended to honor her work, as well as make it available to other researchers interested in Russian women writers. Bibliography of Pre-Revolutionary Writings by Women is Mary’s work. It is open to all. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. 

Scope Note

The database contains 3472 entries. It does not include authors that appear in the following standard reference works:

The information in the bibliography is fairly complete through 2000 with scattered entries after that date. The rough limits for inclusion were: any fiction OR one nonfiction work of at least ten pages OR two poems; with some exceptions for works of special interest to women.

To assist scholars with archival research, this database contains references (whenever possible) to personal archives from Lichnye arkhivnye fondy v gosudarstvennykh khranilishchakh SSSR. Ukazatel'.

Additional Resources

As noted above, this list is fairly complete through 2000. Many resources have been produced since then. Some additional bibliographic resources that may be useful to researchers include: